


Friday, October 26, 2012

“ Be wise- Never use drugs or Alcohol”
It is important for u not to use drugs because u could get a heart attack. Alcohol is also bad for u because it drug’s u and then u don’t know what u are doing. For example tout drinking like at 2pm in the night and u go to the store and u never know if you’re going to do something wrong like steel or hit someone because u don’t know what you’re doing when your drunk or high . U could be walking down the street and some cop will stop u and arrest u and ask u what are u doing up late. Many people do drugs just to look cool but in reality their not they are just messing up their life. I don’t like it when people drink or do weed because I feel sorry for them because they are messing up their one life. You have to enjoy your life not mess it up. You only have one life so live it to the maximum. You always need to choose what’s right for u not what’s wrong. So if your friends ask u to try alcohol or drugs just say no and get away from those persons because they are not truly your friends. I always tell my friends not too do drugs. I don’t do drugs because it is bad for u and u die faster. Say no do drugs stay drug free and say no to drugs and don’t never try drugs

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